These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Evening

Much improved!  So, after a long nap for the kids and a little down time for Jason and I, we headed out to Boerne Christmas afternoon to celebrate Christmas with Jason's family.  Mark and Cassie hosted a great time for family and fellowship.  The kids all had so much fun and got so many nice things.  I was extremely pleased that the kids behaved much better.  They thanked everyone for their gifts, gave hugs, and wore smiles on their faces!  Our job as parents is very difficult, but probably the most important job anyone can have.  It is our responsibility to our kids to teach them faith, love, and humility.  I am on a mission to make sure my 3 children know exactly how blessed they are and what a wonderful life that we live, thanks to God!

Kennedi, Aunt Stacy, Carson, and Lexi

Baby Cade

Sweet Cade

Cade and Daddy

Lexi and Carson

Grandmother and her 4 grandchildren

Miss Priss, aka Kennedi!



Mommy and Cade

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

When I went to bed last night, I prayed that my children would begin to understand what Christmas was all about. Don't get me wrong, I am very glad that we are able to give our children so much, but I want them to be grateful and I want them to understand that happiness is not materialistic.  Happiness is family and the everlasting life that Jesus gave us.  After our discussions on Christmas Eve, I was thrilled that everyone woke up with a smile on their face and gratefulness in their heart.

The gifts that the children left for Santa to take to someone in need, showed back up.  It seems that Santa wrote Carson and Kennedi a letter, wrapped the gift in another box and gave it back to them.  After all, giving is better than receiving.  Here is what Santa wrote to Carson:

I wanted to thank you for the cookies and milk.  They sure were good.  I have been watching you and Clyde has been telling me how you have been too.  I think you are a smart little boy with a lot of potential.  I want you to let your heart grow to be as big as your brain.  You may not always be still and quiet, but I think that be leaving this gift for someone else, you have shown that you can learn what Christmas is really about.  It is for this reason that I want to give this gift back to you..Because to give is better than to receive.  Always try to give, not just presents but of yourself.  Give your love, your trust, and your time to those who need it most and you will see what it means to know the true meaning of Christmas.  I hope you enjoy these gifts and I'll check in on you from time to time to be sure you are being good.
Best Regards,
Santa Claus

This is the letter Santa left for Kennedi:

I wanted to thank you for the cookies and milk.  It is nice to get a snack after a night of delivering presents.  I have been keeping an eye on you and listening to what Clyde tells me.  I think beyond your shyness is a pretty little girl with a great big heart.  At times you may be stubborn, but by leaving this gift for someone else, you have shown you can learn what Christmas is really about.  It is for this reason that I give this gift back to you...because to give is better than to receive.  Always try to give, not just presents,  but of yourself.  You are a very pretty, very smart little girl.  You should open up your heart.  Always share your hugs and your smiles with those who need it.  Give of yourself and you will see what it means to know the true meaning of Christmas.  I hope you enjoy these gifts and I'll check in on you from time to time to be sure you are good.
Best Regards,
Santa Claus

Today has been a 180 degree change from yesterday.  The kids have been happy.  They have had smiles on their faces, and they have been grateful.  We still have some learning to do, but thanks to God, who gave us this day that Jesus was born, we have taken steps to becoming better people.

Merry Christmas!

Cade got a zany zoo!

Carson got a DS from Santa!

Kennedi (and her bedhed) got some tag books!

Cade and his new John Deere!

Carson and Daddy reading his letter from Santa.

Kennedi and her new art set.

Cade and his new wheels!

Kennedi and Carson playing at the art table Kennedi got from Santa!

New house shoes for all three!

Christmas Eve

My family traditionally celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve.  This year I was off on the 23rd, so we headed to the ranch after Jason got off work.  The next morning, my family of 5 plus mom and dad headed over to Kristy and John's house to enjoy some family time and open gifts.  The kids always have so much fun together.  Carson, Kennedi, and Chayse are a trio...and I am sure Cade will make it a quartet very soon! We enjoyed a great lunch and then opened presents.  Everyone got so many nice things!  We are truly blessed with a wonderful family!

I must say, though, I was a little concerned by my children's behavior.  Cade was much more fussy than usual, but I attribute most of that to him not feeling well. I am not sure if he is teething or has a bug, either way, a fussy baby can be a little stressful in a group setting.  Carson was good, but wasn't quite as grateful as I would have hoped.  And, Kennedi has been going through a rough time, I guess most would call the terrible two's.

On the drive home, Jason and I decided that we really needed to buckle down and teach the kids the true spirit of Christmas.  We go to church often and do what we can to teach  them the Reason for the season, but I just didn't feel like they were getting it today.  We are very fortunate that we are able to give our children everything they need and want.  However, that does not mean that they shouldn't be grateful.  So, how do you teach a 5 year old, almost 3 year old, and almost 1 year old, that Christmas is all about the birth of our Lord and Saviour - not a man in a red suit.  How do we teach these precious babies that not everyone is as fortunate as we are?  How do we teach them that giving is better than receiving?

Well, we did a lot of talking Christmas Eve night - all 5 of us.  After dinner, we sat on the couch and read 3 books about the spirit of Christmas.  Then, we took baths and read 2 more books in front of the Christmas tree, one of which was "The First Christmas".  Carson and Kennedi were starting to understand what we were trying to say.  Just before bed, Jason had each of the kids pick a present that was wrapped and under the tree.  They put the present on a nearby chair and left a note for Santa to take it with him to another child that might not have as much as they do.  It was a start...

Carson and Chayse enjoying lunch.

Cade and Daddy

Kristy and Nana (with Kennedi in the background)

Cade in his new rocking chair

Carson, Kennedi, and Chayse watching a Christmas movie

Carson with one of his many nice gifts

Cade opening gifts - it is his first Christmas!

Kennedi LOVED her new raincoat!

Chayse and Kristy

And, we ended the evening by putting out cookies and milk for Santa!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Kindergarten Christmas Party

Today was Carson's Christmas party at school!  I was fortunate enough to get to join the fun.  All the kids were so cute and there were a lot of parents there too!  Ms. Barr is an exceptional teacher and we are so lucky to have her for our first experience in school!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Church Christmas Play

Tonight was the annual church Christmas play at St. Mattew's UMC.  This year the play was soooo cute!  It featured 6 stars:  Super Star, Falling Star, Lucky Star, North Star, Rock Star, and Shooting Star.  The stars were "hanging around the heavens" telling the story of the birth of Jesus.  They all did outstanding job!  Carson got his first speaking part and played an awesome Rock Star!  Cade was going to be baby Jesus, but he was worn out, and with no nap, was in no mood to be center of attention.  Kennedi watched this year, but I am sure she will be ready to act next year!  Jason and I worked on the set and had a great time doing it.  It was a really fun time and the kids did a wonderful job telling HIS story!  Thanks to all who came out to support the kids!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Paragon Christmas Party

My company is awesome!  Paragon Infusion Company is based out of Dallas.  Every year, they fly all of the employees from the branches (San Antonio, Houston, and Fresno, CA) and their dates to Dallas for the annual Christmas party.  This year we stayed at Hotel Palomar, a luxury hotel in Dallas.  The party was at the beautiful Bailey's Prime, complete with a four course meal, music, entertainment, and dancing.  We had a great time!  Thanks to Grandmother and Nana who came to our house and took care of the kids so we could attend.

Cade's First Haircut

Well, there wasn't much to cut, but Cade went with the boys and had his hair trimmed last weekend.  Jason's dad has been going to Leroy for years.  Jason goes there, Carson goes there, and now Cade gets his hair cut by Leroy, the barber!  He did great!  There wasn't a single tear -- all smiles!!

The Diamond men and Leroy

The Diamond men

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Meet Clyde

Our family started a new tradition this year.  Last year a friend of mine gave us the book, Elf on the Shelf.  What a cute idea!  The book came with a small elf that the kids are to name.  Yep, our kids named our elf Clyde!  Where they got that, I am not sure, but Clyde, the elf, has some real magic!  The story goes that Clyde watches the kids all day long to see if they have been good or bad.  At night, the elf flies to the North Pole and reports to Santa.  The next morning, elf Clyde is in a different place in the house, staked out to watch them again.  Each morning it is a game for the kids to find out where Clyde is!  Also, the kids can talk to Clyde and tell him what they want for Christmas, because of course, Clyde reports to Santa.  I must say, Clyde has brought much improved behavior in our home...for you sure wouldn't want him to tell Santa they were bad!  The kids are having so much fun with Clyde and I am excited that we are creating a tradition they will remember for years to come!

Trimming the Tree

We have been SOOOO busy lately.  Thanksgiving has come and gone and now it is time for Christmas - my favorite time of the year!  This year is going to be so much fun with the kids at their ages!  I just LOVE seeing the sparkle in their eye as we near a time of true MAGIC!  I am sure the kids will be spoiled this year, as they are every year, but I really want to teach them the true meaning of Christmas.  I want them to know the real reason for the season and relish in the fact that on this day our Saviour was born!

Sunday evening we got all of our decorations out of the attic.  I put up the tree, Jason tested all the lights, and the kids decorated!  They did a great job!

Friday, November 26, 2010

So much to be Thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving!  Our family has been blessed with another amazing year.  As I look back on the year, we have SO much to be thankful for.  First of all, I am thankful for my faith, my church, and my God.  Next, I am thankful for my wonderful husband who I love dearly and the three beautiful children that we share.  I am extremely grateful for my extended family (on both sides).  It is such a blessing to have close family that you can lean on and laugh with.  I am thankful for my job.  Even though I complain at times, there are many that don't have jobs and mine affords me to give my family the things they need.  I am thankful for my health and good health for my family.  I could continue for hours, but these few things are definitely at the top of my list. 

This year was Cade's first Thanksgiving!  I am pretty sure he enjoyed his lunch of mashed potatoes and beans...and then pudding cake afterwards.  We were fortunate to have everyone at our house this year, well almost everyone.  We missed Grandmother, Stacy, and Jason.  The grandkids had a great time visiting and playing and the adults enjoyed good conversation and GREAT food!  Afterwards, Jason and I wagered a few bets on the A&M/UT football game and I lost.  But, that's okay...I don't lose often!!

The kids went around the table and said what they were thankful sweet!

Cade enjoying his first Thanksgiving - small bites at a time!

Cade decked out in this A&M overalls!

5 cousins - Lexi, Cade, Kennedi, Chayse, and Carson

The Diamond side - Lexi, Carson, Cade, and Kennedi

The Haisler side - Kennedi, Carson, Cade, and Chayse

Kennedi came back for seconds!

Cade crashed out in his jumparoo after a long day of eating and playing!