These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Chayse!!

I can't believe my niece, Chayse, turned 4 on Saturday!  What a little princess!  She had a really fun birthday party at Pump It Up in Round Rock.  Hope you had a great day sweet girl.  The Diamond kids had a ball!!

The Birthday Princes - Chayse Lynn!

Kennedi headed in and Carson headed out!

Group picture

Monday, September 20, 2010

Baseball Time!

Carson had his first baseball game of the season on Saturday!  Before he has always played t-ball, but this year he has graduated to coach pitch baseball.  The coach pitches 4 balls to the kids.  If they don't hit it, the child gets to hit off the tee.  He is on a very organized team with great coaches.  The kids were even fielding the ball and throwing it to first base!  He did a great job..and had a great cheering squad too!

Kennedi wants to play so bad!  She even has a pink glove.  Too bad they can't play at age 2!!

Cade was cheering on his big brother!  Won't be long until he is out there too!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grandparents Lunch

At Encino Park Elementary the kindergartners were able to invite their grandparents to lunch today!  Unfortunately only Nana was able to come, but I joined her and we had a great time visiting with Carson at his school!

My Little Ballerina

Ms. Kennedi started dance class this month!  She is taking tap and ballet from Move and Groove.  The teacher comes to her daycare class and picks her up every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and they dance for 30 minutes!  She seems to enjoy it although sometimes it is like pulling teeth getting her dressed....but doesn't she look like a doll!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Carson's 1st Homework

Carson has had several little projects thus far in kindergarten.  However, this was his first real homework!  Carson's assignment was to create a page all about his interests, hobbies, likes, etc.  I thought he did a great job!

Tree Down!

Yesterday Tropical Depression Hermine made its way through San Antonio.  We once had a beautiful willow tree in our backyard.  We no longer do.  At least no one was hurt and the damage could always be worse!

Monday, September 6, 2010

8 months!

Cade will be eight months old tomorrow!  I wanted to take a minute and jot down all the things he is doing, so I can always remember.  Cade is sitting up independently, holding his own bottle, has 7 teeth (2 broke through today!), and LOVES TO SMILE!  Cade is an extremely happy baby, especially when his brother and sister are playing with him.  He takes 5 bottles a day (6 oz each), eats cereal for breakfast, a fruit and vegetable for lunch, and a meat (baby food) for dinner.  I haven't introduced much table food yet, except for yogurt and a taste of ice cream, both of which he loved!  Cade has been adjusting to daycare and doing better and better every day, however we are still working on his nap schedule.  At daycare they take a 9am and 2pm nap.  At home these naps are 1-2 hours each, but at school they are 30 min-1 hr due to other babies in the same room.  He usually takes another little nap before dinner (about 30-45 minutes) and then he goes down for the night, about 7:45 pm - 6:45 am...sometimes longer!  I love my Cade boy!!

Cade Bradley Diamond

Playing at the Park

Saturday morning we had a playdate with some new friends down at out neighborhood park!  It was a great start to the long weekend!  (I haven't figured out how to rotate pictures on here yet.)


Kennedi is always on the move.  This is the best I could get of her!

Cade, just a swinging!!