These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treating

Tonight we went trick-or-treating to a few houses in our neighborhood.  The kids did great and had a lot of fun....except for that one house that had scary ghosts and witches outside!  I thought Kennedi was going to take my head off!  Cade was the most precious monkey you have ever seen, but probably was hot in that costume.  Carson was so proud of his Bumblebee Transformer costume (we had to repair it twice because he has worn it so much around the house).  Kennedi was a really sweet Minnie Mouse after the intial fits it took actually getting her into her costume.  Overall, we all had a great time and the kids made me proud by saying "thank you" every time they got a piece of candy!

Cade - my monkey boy!

Carson - the Transformer

Kennedi - aka Minnie Mouse

Carson, Cade, Kennedi

Cade and Daddy

Trick or Treat!

Kennedi, always cautious, letting Carson go first!

Carving Pumpkins

It is tradition at our house to carve pumpkins every year.  It is a messy, but fun time for our family!  This year Aunt Stacy, Uncle Jason, and Grandmother joined us as we carved our oh, so, unique pumpkins!


Uncle Jason


Kennedi and Stacy (and Major!)


Stacy and Carson

Three crazy pumpkins

Five crazy pumpkins!

Final products

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Parade at Country Home

This morning was the annual Halloween Parade at Country Home.  Kennedi strutted around in her Minnie Mouse costume and had a lot of fun, despite a challenge of a morning getting her into costume!  Even Cade got to sit out on the porch of the daycare and watch all the little munchkins parade around in their costumes.  I am so glad Jason and I were able to go watch the festivities!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My 3 Monkeys

This weekend we were busy as usual, but Sunday late afternoon, Jason and I took the kids down to the park to play for a little while.  I took my camera and was able to get a few good pictures!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Aggie Football!

Saturday we traveled to College Station to watch A&M vs. Missouri.  Even though the game didn't turn out as we had hoped, the atmosphere and experience is priceless.  This year was Carson's second game to get to go to.  He loved it!  This year he really started asking lots of questions about the game of football, trying to understand the game better.  When we got home, he asked Jason to please teach him how to play football so he can play for the Aggies one day!  I think Jason would just be in heaven if one of our boys actually played for A& never know! 

This year Chayse got to go to her first game too!  She was all decked out in her Aggie gear and had a great time.  And, our good friends Carl and Sonja got to go to the game with us.  We haven't seen them in so long.  It was a great day of football and friends!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sweetberry Farms

Today we traveled to Marble Falls to meet our good friends, the Suttons, and have fun at Sweetberry Farms. Poor little Avery didn't feel well, but Carson, Kennedi, Cade, and Bekah had a great time roaming through the maze, riding on the hayride, picking out pumpkins and posing for a few fall pictures!


Cade is 9 months

On Thursday, Cade was 9 months!  Wow, how did that happen?  Cade had his 9 month check up and weighed in at 24 pounds and measured 30 inches.  He was in the 100th percentile for both height and weight...but I expected no less!  Cade has 8 teeth.  He army crawls everywhere and gets on this knees, but has yet to really take off crawling on his knees.  He eats everything I give him, but I have to admit, I haven't given him much table food yet - aside from mashed potatoes, yogurt, etc.  He LOVES to play and interact with Carson and Kennedi and is doing great at school.  Overall Cade is an extremely happy baby that blesses our lives daily!  Love you Cade boy!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

So Blessed

I thank God for my family every day.  But, this weekend, I really sat back and absorbed the many, many blessings that He has given me.  Yesterday afternoon the weather was PERFECT.  It was a nice, cool and absolutely gorgeous day.  We were out in the backyard playing.  Jason was grilling hamburgers, the kids were swinging and riding bikes and Cade and I were rocking on the porch.  We had the radio on.  The next thing you know, we are dancing and singing - all 5 of us!  It was a simple day of fun...but one I will treasure for a really long time.  During the week we go, go, go, barely stopping to breathe.  It was so nice to relax and enjoy my happy family!  I love them so much!!!