These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pool Time!

On Sunday afternoon, Stacy, Jason, Bill, and Jennifer came over.  Jason cooked steaks out on the grill and the kids played in the pool.  They had so much fun!  We even got a Cade-sized pool!  He had so much fun splashing in the water!  Such a sweet, sweet baby!

Pedicures for Princesses!

Kennedi is a middle child, and my only daughter.  So, every time I get a chance to do something really girly with her, I jump on it.  It's like my special time with her to show her how special she is!  I took Kennedi for pedicures on Sunday.  She picked pink, of course!  She is probably still a little young, but we had a great time bonding.  She always says, "me and you - the girls, mommy!"  I love her so much!

Movie Date

Carson had a great week at school last week.  He is always pretty good, but we have had a few weeks that were sub-par.  However, he really picked it up this last week and I wanted to reward him for such good behavior and also for a great kindergarten year.  He and I went to see Rio at the theatre.  We had a ball!  It is always nice to get a little one-on-one time with each child. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Letter Parade

Last Friday, the kindergartners had a letter parade.  Each child had to decorate a poster or shirt with a letter of their choice.  It was to include all things that begin with that letter.  Carson choose "C".  We decorated a C poster with cotton balls, clouds, crayons, coins, clown, car, candy cane, candy, and so much more!  Carson wore his cap that had a "C" on it too!  They were so cute!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kindergarten Field Trip

On Tuesday, Carson and his kindergarten class walked down to the Encino Park park for a few hours to play and have lunch.  Fortunately I was able to go too!  Carson had a great year this year.  We just love Mrs. Barr and can't thank her enough for such a wonderful start to public school.  Carson did really well academically.  He is reading on a 2nd-3rd grade level, is writing above grade level, and is excelling in math.  We knew Carson was really a bright kid, but this year we got confirmation!  We are so proud of you Carson Travis and can't wait to watch you continue to grow in the coming years.  Look out 1st grade!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane!

Like always, this past weekend was all but restful.  On Friday morning, I got a call from the nurses station at Encino Park Elementary.  Carson had accidentally poked himself in the eye.  The nurse put ice on it  for about 10 minutes and then sent him back to class.  About 2 hours later, I got another call.  Carson's eye was still very red and he was not able to focus in class.  So, I went to pick him up and took him to the pediatrician.  The doctor put a florescent dye in his eye and it showed a scratch across his cornea.  The doctor had us patch it for 48 hours and return on Monday.

On Saturday morning,  I got up and went to Bikram Yoga.  It is 90 minutes of yoga in an over 100 degree room.  I have done it before and really enjoyed it, so I decided it is time to get that last few pounds off, even if it meant to sweat it off!  Bikram yoga is a great way to cleanse the body, mind, and soul.

Saturday afternoon, Grandpa Bill came over to watch Carson and Kennedi while Jason, Cade, and I went to look at a few houses.  We aren't really thinking of moving anytime soon, but we always have our eyes open for that perfect house.

Saturday evening our friends, Valerie, Chris, and Emmi (3) came over to visit.  We watched the kids play and Jason grilled hamburgers.  It was such a fun time, just catching up with friends that we don't see that often.

Sunday morning we should have gone to church, but Jason needed to go into the office and the kids slept late, so unfortunately, we didn't make it there.  Instead I started on the 8 loads of laundry I needed to do.  I also tackled a big project I have been putting off.  I got the idea from a friend of mine.  At the end of every year, she put the kids best work, progress reports, etc in their backpack and saved it in the attic.  So far I have kept everything, but it really isn't feasible.  I like the idea of keeping their best work in one place so that one day they can pull out the backpack (remember the backpack they had that year) and enjoy seeing the work they did at that age.  This is how my project started:

And, this is how it finished.  Carson has one backpack of preschool stuff and the other backpack is kindergarten work.  I also started a bag for Kennedi and Cade's preschool work.

So, after I finished that 3 hour project, I should have taken the afternoon off, but instead, I started yet another project!  Kennedi is 3 and 1/2, so we felt like it was time to convert her toddler bed into a full size bed.  Jason bought a mattress on his way home from the office.  The five of us made a quick trip to Target to get a few things, and then we started.  I had already bought her bedding, but needed some sheets and a dust ruffle.  She loves her "big girl" bed and spent the rest of the evening playing in her "big girl" room!

This morning (Monday) we woke up and started yet another week.  I don't feel rested at all, but I do feel like I accomplished a lot.

Carson's eye still looks red, so after his field day this morning, I took him to the pediatrician again.  She immediately sent us to an eye doctor and he determined that now he has an eye infection.  The patch is off and now we are doing antibiotic eye drops.  Hopefully he will be back at school tomorrow because tomorrow is his field trip!  Read the blog often, because the next 2 weeks are going to be even more crazy than ever!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Little Dolphin

Today Kennedi was a dolphin in a play at her school.  She did an outstanding job!  Jason and I were able to go and video it.  She was such a pretty little dolphin and we were so proud of her!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Weekend for the Wilsons!

Last weekend was HUGE for the Wilson family!  My sister, Kristy, graduated with her MASTERS, on Friday the 13th from University of North Texas in Denton.  Unfortunately I was not able to attend, but I hope she knows how proud of her we are!

On Saturday, the 14th, little Miss Chayse stole the show at her dance recital!  She looked beautiful, as always, and danced so well! 

Congrats Kristy and Chayse on great accomplishments!

Friday, May 13, 2011


I have never really been good with plants.  They seem to die faster that I can turn around.  Who has time to water every day?  They look so pretty, though, and have such a way of making a backyard feel like home.  I love them, I just can't make them live!  Every year I plant plants and every year they die way before their time.  Well, this year I decided things had to be different.  My kids love being outdoors.  We have a playscape they could spend hours on.  Jason is a master on the grill, and well, I LOVE to sit on the back porch with a glass of wine, just enjoying it all!  So, the weekend of April 9th, I planted plants around the backyard.  I have been deligent in watering them every day.  The kids help remind me!  It is actually therapeutic, I think, to spend 10-15 minutes a day outside in the summer air.  I have come to enjoy my plants and  I am SO proud to say, THEY ARE ALIVE! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Oh my! How busy we have been!  We have been so busy lately, that Jason and I have hardly been able to keep our heads above water.  This is a look at last week alone (not to mention both of us working full time, school, etc):

Wednesday - Stacy's birthday.  Family dinner at Alamo Cafe!  We don't venture out to dinner very often with all 3 kids, especially on a week night.  However, the kids were on best behavior and we had a great time celebrating with Aunt Stacy.

Friday - dinner with the Robinson's.  After work, we invited our new friends Katie, Kevin, Kohl, and Kort over for fajitas, beans, rice, and queso.  We had a great time visiting and enjoying the company.  Carson, Kennedi, Kohl (8), and Kort (4) played so well together!  It was a long overdue get together!

Saturday morning - 9:30 a.m. Kristy, John, Chayse, Mom, and Dad showed up ready to go to Sea World.  Dad went with us and Mom stayed home with Cade.  We had a great time riding rides, seeing Shamu, visiting some of the aquariums, and feeding the animals.   I didn't take my camera, but we got season tickets, so I am sure we will be back soon.  The kids LOVE Sea World!

Saturday evening after we got back, Jason cooked hamburgers and bar-b-que chicken on the grill.  We had corn-on-the-cob, beans, and watermelon.  It was a great afternoon celebrating Mother's Day with my mom and sister!  The kids played in the sprinkler and by the time everyone left, they were worn out!!

Sunday morning we headed to church.  And, Sunday afternoon, we went out to visit Jason's mom for Mother's Day.  Cassie, Lexi, Pati, and Ardel joined the 5 of us and Jennifer for a fun afternoon of sandwiches, chips, dips, and good company!

We got home Sunday afternoon around 4:00 and all of us were absolutely toasted!  I took an hour nap (greatest Mother's Day gift I could ask for) and then Jason and I worked getting everything ready for the know, laundry, picking up, cleaning the kitchen, watering plants, etc.

This morning it was time to start another work week!

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures this past week, but believe me we had lots of fun!  I am tired today, but I wouldn't trade the hustle and bustle for the world!