These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


At the beginning of the summer, the kids were bored one weekend and wanted to plant some seeds.  I don't know why, but we had a few packages of sunflower seeds in the drawer and we said, "why not!"  Literally, they threw them on the ground in the corner of our backyard.  We dug a few holes, but nothing more than an inch or two at the most.  Jason and I did not expect anything to come of it.

After about 2 weeks we started seeing sprouts come out of the ground!  Jason and I were shocked, but still expected not much more.  Well, those sunflowers, grew and grew.  The kids began to want to water them in the evenings and used their height to measure the plants growth.   Jason and I were amazed!

Now it has been about 2 and 1/2 months and the sunflowers are HUGE!  They are taller than the fence and some even tower over me (6'1")!!  What a fun thing for our family to witness!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

We're Moving!

This is it!  As some of you may know, Jason and I have been casually looking at houses for a long time.  We really like our house that we live in now, but we have never really felt like it was where we wanted to be for the long term.  About 6 years ago, we bought 4.5 acres in Boerne and have always dreamed of building a custom home on it.  However, as our family grew and our priorities changed, we have found that it really wouldn't be practical to be so far from our jobs here in San Antonio.  Also, having the kids in school 30 minutes away from our daytime lives, wouldn't make much sense.  But, we have always been enticed by the space and living a little more "country" than we currently do.

I grew up in the country and have always hoped that my children would have the room to explore, run, and play like I did.  Living town has been great for us and the conveniences are unparalleled...if only we could find a combination of the two.

Well, I think we did.  Jason and I are currently under contract on a beautiful home that sits on 3.5 acres on the edge of town.  It is 15 minutes from my office, about 20 minutes from Jason's office, and they are building brand new schools that the kids will go to about 5 minutes from the new house.  The house is a little bigger than ours now, has a pool, and lots of room for the kids to run and play.  We are so excited about finding a home that we will likely live in for AT LEAST the next 20 years! 

My parents lived in our home for 27 years and it was truly "home".  I want to create that for my kids.  I want our home to be the place where kids come to hang out and adults come to relax.  I want it to be inviting and comfortable.  I want it to be fun and safe at the same time.

Jason and I have been blessed time after time.  We both have great jobs that have afforded us to live an amazing life.  We have 3 beautiful children and now we are moving into a phase of our lives, in which we will be able to provide them with an opportunity to have the childhood most desired.

God is soooo good and I thank Him everyday for ALL the blessings in my life!

Swimming Lessons

This summer Carson and Kennedi have been taking swimming lessons with San Antonio Swim Academy.  Carson swam the length of the pool last week!  He is still perfecting his strokes, but is effectively swimming!  Kennedi is also doing really well.  She holds her breath under water, glides, and jumps into the water just as she is told.  She is a little fish and it won't be long before she is doing laps with her older brother!

Chapter Book

Carson read his first chapter book this summer!  It was 103 pages and it took him about 4 weeks...but what an accomplishment!  I am so proud of my little reader!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Yesterday Kennedi and Cade were in a 4th of July parade at Rainbow Station.  They looked so cute in their red, white, and blue!

Cade's class in the 6 person stroller!

Cade sporting the headband!

Kenna and her friend waving their flags

My sweet Kennedi!

Happy 4th of July!

We had a relatively uneventful 4th of July weekend (for us anyway!).  Saturday morning we headed down to the pool and enjoyed some swim time.  Carson's friend and his brother joined us.  They had a great time!  Kennedi is completely fearless and swimming like a dolphin (so she says!) and Cade even started jumping off the side of the pool in to us.  All 3 of my kids are little fish!

Saturday evening, Nana, Papa, and Appah joined us for burgers.  We set up the little pool in the backyard and everyone had fun playing!

Sunday we went to church and then Jason and I did some work in the house. That afternoon, the kids played in the pool in the backyard again. 

Monday morning Jason took Carson to the theater to see Transformers 3.  That afternoon Kennedi and I did a little shopping.  Monday evening Appah came over again and Jason cooked steaks on the grill while the kids played in the water, yet again! 

Overall, it was a great weekend!  Sometimes it is nice just to be home and enjoy our surroundings!

Transformers 3

Carson has been dying to see the new movie Transformers 3.  This weekend Jason took him to the theater and they saw it in 3D.  He loved it so much!