These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Football

The winter football season is almost over.  Carson has had a blast and has learned so much.  Here are just a few more pictures that I captured today.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Zoo Trip

Jason and I work full time.  During the week we get very little quality time with our kids.  In the evenings we have only about 2-3 hours in which we have to eat dinner, bathe, read, and try to get a little fun time in.  On the weekends, we always seem to have something going on, but try very hard to spend some quality time with the kiddos.  This weekend we headed down to the zoo.  It was such a great time!  We walked around and saw most all of the animals.  We ate lunch in the African safari area and then rode the train around Brackenridge Park.  The kids were great and we enjoyed some nice family time together.  These are the things I will never forget.  Priceless memories with my babies!

Friday, February 24, 2012

KRE Movie Night

KRE PTA Dad's Club hosted a movie night.  It was a fun evening watching the smurfs and eating popcorn.  We had a great turnout!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finally... A Lost Tooth

Carson will be 7 next month and he had yet to lose any teeth.  However, his adult tooth on the bottom was coming thru behind his baby tooth.   I took him to the dentist about 3 weeks ago and he said to try and wiggle it out for 3-4 weeks and if we didn't have any luck to come back.  Well, that baby tooth was in their tight and it wouldn't budge.  We headed to the dentist on Wednesday and Carson got a little laughing gas to help him relax while the dentist pulled both bottom baby teeth.  He was model patient!  He was so happy to finally have lost not 1, but 2 teeth!  That night, we placed the teeth under his pillow and the toothfairy came.  Carson was so happy that he got $5.00.  We explained that he probably got that much only because there were 2 and also because they had to be pulled.  Sure hope the tooth fairy didn't set a precedent!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Birthday...

When we get to this point, birthdays are just another day.  I used to think 30's were old.  Now, nothing seems old any more.  I would have to say, though, for being 34 I feel like I have accomplished a lot in my life.  I have been married 10 years to my best friend.  Together we have bought 3 houses and have landed where we want to be the rest of our lives.  We have 3 of the most amazing kids ever.  I have been a pharmacist for almost 9 years.  During my career, I have practiced 3 different types of pharmacy and now am with a company that  I will likely be with for a very long time.  I am still physically active.  Although, I cannot play ball with the endurance and intensity that I used to,  I am still able to run a few miles at a time, do some light weight training, and most importantly chase my children around while they play sports!  I feel good.  I feel young.  Often my body reminds my mind that  I am not 18 anymore.  I would not change the past 34 years for anything in the world.  I have very few regrets, if any.  God has blessed me abundantly and I thank Him for that everyday!

Mom, Dad, Kristy, John, and Chayse came in the weekend before my  birthday and we celebrated with cupcakes and dinner.  Jason sent roses to my office on the actual day.  I had a great birthday...I love my life!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Parties

Valentines was a busy day!  Fortunately, I got to attend all 3 parties, even if not for long.  The kids had a great time and it was fun watching them trade Valentine's cards!  I love my Valentine babies!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Miss Liberty

Pretty little Chayse Lynn is Miss Liberty!  She participated in the Memorial Pageant in Smithville to benefit the Veteran's Memorial.  She did a great job and we were so proud of her!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Watch Dogs

Jason is the co-chair of the Dad's Club for KRE PTA.  It is a brand new school, so everything is a first for us.  Jason and his co-chair have started a program called Watch Dogs. It is a national program to get Dad's involved in the schools.  Basically, the men sign up for a whole day at the school.  They arrive around 7:00 p.m. and help get the kids off the bus. At morning announcements, the dad is on a video announcement with his child for the whole school to see.  They take a picture with their child and it is placed on the Watch dog bulletin board.  Then, they go around to different classrooms to help the teachers with special projects, etc.  They help in the lunchroom and eat lunch with their child.  In the afternoon, the dad helps at recess and again in the classrooms.  At the end of the day, they help kids get on the bus and send them home.  Jason was one of the first to participate and he had a great day!  He came home exhausted, but happy!  Carson was thrilled to have his dad their.  Thanks Jason for being so active in our children's lives!