These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Finally, the day that we have been waiting for all year has come!  I am very proud to say that all 3 of my children can tell the story of Jesus's birth.  Carson tells it in pretty good detail, Kennedi's version is rather basic, and Cade tells the sweet truth that Jesus was born in a manger for me and you!  It is not an easy task to teach children the true meaning of Christmas, especially with all the glitter and gifts that go with the season.  However, we focused on it quite a bit this year.  We had multiple conversations about how blessed we are as a family and how there are so many others that do not enjoy our comforts.  The kids are still young, but I think they are beginning to get it...I hope!

At 5:40 a.m. Carson bounded downstairs and notified us that "Santa had come!"  The others were still asleep so I convinced Carson to climb in bed with us for awhile.  Poor thing!  He was so ancy and so excited!  But, he patiently laid with us for over an hour until he just couldn't stand it anymore.  Just before 7:00 we let him creep into the living room.  He found a letter from Santa and the itouch that he wanted so bad!  It wasn't much longer before Kennedi made her way down the stairs to find a letter from Santa and a pink DS!  Cade was the last one up. (We wore him out the 3 days prior!)  Carson read Cade's letter from Santa to him and in the carport we found his surprise - his very own fire engine!  Soon, the kids found their computers upstairs from mom and dad.  Then, we made it to the tree and unwrapped more gifts.  It was an amazing morning!  Watching their little faces light up was priceless.  The smiles, giggles, big hugs, and grateful "thank yous" will be ring in my ears forever.  I love my little family so much and I am so, so grateful that Jason and I were able to give them a Christmas they will not forget!



Monday, December 24, 2012

Twas the Night Before Christmas

On Christmas Eve we attendend the candlelight Christmas Eve service at BUMC.  That is always my favorite service of the year!  Then, we headed home to set out cookies and milk for Santa, and even some apples for his reindeer.  The kids got new pajamas and we tucked them into bed in anticipation of a big day tomorrow!

Haisler Christmas

On Sunday, the 22nd, we traveled to mom and dad's and their house at the ranch.  We got to drive around and look at the animals and the boys got to ride the bulldozer with Papa!  The next morning, we got up and went to Kristy and John's house. Somehow, the kids locked the door to their playroom upstairs and inside were their shoes!  Papa tried to get in via window, but there was no getting into that room anytime soon.  We ended up carrying the kids to the car with their socks on, stopping at Wal-Mart and getting new shoes!  What a circus!  When we finally got to the Wilson's we were treated with a BBQ lunch and yummy desserts.  Once again, the kids got lots of great gifts and had fun playing with their cousin Chayse.  We are blessed beyond measure!




Papa trying to break in




Nana and her family canvas


Papa and Nana

Uncle John and Aunt Kristy

waiting pateintly!

Kennedi and Chayse

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Playing in the Leaves

So Jason was raking leaves in the backyard and Kennedi and Cade thought that would be a great opportunity to have a little fun!  I took advantage, too, and got some great photos!

Friday, December 21, 2012

School Christmas Parties

Jason and I are so fortunate to have flexible jobs where we can attend our kids Christmas parties.  Carson is in Mrs. Brammel's 2nd grade class and they had a really fun party full of food, arts, crafts, and games.  Cade is in the yellow room at Rainbow Station and had a fun time eating and then singing carols.  Kennedi's class had a party too, but unfortunately she didn't get to celebrate with them very much.  There was a slight mishap and she got really upset.  We ended up leaving because she was embarrased and didn't want to party.  It's okay, as a parent I will always protect my children and we didn't want to make her do anything she didn't want to.

Diamond Christmas

Our Diamond family Christmas was on Saturday the 22nd this year.  We were so fortunate to celebrate with Jason's mom and dad, his brother Mark, Cassie, and Lexi, as well as Jason's sister Stacy and her husband Jason.  It was such a fun day of family and fellowship.  This kids were spoiled with gifts and everyone left with a smile on their face.

Aunt Stacy and Cade figuring out the world

Cade Bradley

Mark, Stacy, Jason

Lexi, Mark, Cassie

Grandpa Bill and Stacy

Lexi Anne

Cade and Uncle Jason

Carson, Cade, Lexi, and Kennedi

Kennedi Brooke

Carson Travis


The kids playing a little tackle football!






