These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tejas Rodeo - Mutton Bustin!

So, right around the corner is Tejas Rodeo.  Every Saturday night they have a rodeo, complete with barbque, a mechanical bull, live music and dancing.  I can't believe we have never been there!  It truly is good family fun!  Cade even got to ride a sheep!  Hold on tight Cade!

Friday, June 26, 2015


Cade wanted to try something new to him this season.  He begged us to sign him up for soccer!  Like the other sports he has tried, Cade is doing really well.  I have a feeling his problem down the road is going to be picking a sport...because he seems to be good at all of them! Go #6!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

We love you Jason!  Thanks for being the best dad and husband around! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shooting for Success

Here we go!  Carson joined an AAU team!  In May we joined the Shooting for Success (SFS) organization.  It is lead by DJ Jones, a retired professional basketball player that was a star in Europe.  The organization is based on leadership and discipline.  The kids are extremely conditioned and focused on their goals.  We are so excited for Carson to take his game of basketball to the next level.  Here are a few pictures from his first game.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


It was the first weekend out of school, so we headed down to Rockport for a quick trip to the beach and to visit with family!  We stayed at the Wilson's place.  The kids had a ball playing on the beach with their cousin Chayse.  That evening we met up with Uncle Jack, Aunt Jane, Jeff, Laura, Ben (11), Emma (9), Jason, Janice, Jalynn (10), and Jake (6).  It was so good to catch up!  The kids enjoyed getting to know one another.  Nana and Papa came too.  Good Family time!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

4th Grade Awards

Another great year in the books!  Carson finished 4th grade with All A's All Year, Perfect Attendance, and Commended on the Math STAAR test.  Jason and I are so blessed to have children that do so well in school!  Great job Carson!  You make our job easy.  We are SO PROUD of you!

1st Grade Awards!

MVP, MVP!  So proud of Miss Kennedi Brooke!  She had an amazing 1st grade year.  She is reading on a 4th-5th grade level, is above grade level in math and writing, and did great in the dual language program.  It goes without saying - Jason and I are SO PROUD of this young lady and her academic achievements!

Monday, June 1, 2015


This pretty girl is tumbling this summer!  She always amazes me at her ability to flip around.  Hmm...maybe she is a monkey!