These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Kennedi is 11!

I can't believe this sweet girl is 11 years old!  Sweet, sassy, smart, and sporty!  We love you so much Kennedi!  Every weekend there are tournaments, so we are holding off on a celebration until Spring Break.  Just a small family celebration tonight! More to come...  (Ha, ha, I just noticed Faith photo bombing in the background!)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Ignite Volleyball

It's year 2 of club volleyball.  Kennedi is on the 121 Ignite Blaze team.  The season started off rocky, but is shaping up nicely!  The girls are bonding on and off  the court.  The coaching is great and all of them are improving with each practice.  Kennedi looks solid on the back row and is hammering the ball on the front row!  I just love watching this girl play the sport she loves so much!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Winter Sand Volleyball

January sand volleyball has been successful!  Kennedi and Tylee played in Austin and got 3rd place.  Kennedi and Elizabeth also played a tournament and came in 3rd.  These girls keep getting better and better.  Crazy to play sand in the winter.  It's cold.  Their feet are freezing and its hard to move in sweatpants, but they love the game so much!  California here we come!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

SOA Basketball

Its football offseason, so Cade decided to play some basketball with his buddies!  Basketball isn't Cade's favorite sport, but you can't tell by watching him play. This kid plays with his whole heart and leaves nothing undone.  He is a fierce competitor no matter if he is on the field or court.  Cade is a great basketball player.  He handles the ball well and has never met a shot he didn't like! #myathlete

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Cade is 9!

Ugh.  Slow down time!  I can't believe my "baby" is 9 years old!  It can't be.  This crazy kid is so funny, so athletic, so smart, and so sweet.  He wouldn't want me to tell anyone, but he still loves to snuggle with his mama and I LOVE it!  We celebrated Cade's birthday with one of his best friends, Blake.  The boys had a paintball party.  It was a blast!  A little aggressive, but really fun!  If only time would stand still...

17 years and counting

I love you Jason!  Thank you for 17 beautiful years!  I look forward to the next 17...and many more!