These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Kennedi!

On Monday our sweet, sassy, smart, beautiful baby girl turned 3!  She was so cute!  We had her party last weekend, so she was a little confused that Monday was her real birthday.  When she woke up and we gave her birthday hugs, she asked, "it's my birthday again?"  I explained that we already had her party, but today was her real birthday.   Still a little confused, she asked, "so, am I 4 now?"  No, Kennedi, you are 3...don't rush it!!

Kennedi is definitely the child that keeps us on our toes.  Being a middle child, I think she sometimes struggles with wanting to do all the things Carson does, and getting a lot of attention like Cade does.  However, she is our only I try to play that up everytime I get the chance.  Often, I take her shopping--just the girls, or we go to a shower, or something that are "girls only".  I can't wait for the day day when we go to get pedicures together, followed by lunch and an afternoon of shopping! 

Kennedi is just as smart as her brother, in fact, may be a little ahead of where he was at this stage, only because she learns so much from him.  She not only says her ABC's, but recognizes all her letters, and knows all their sounds.  She counts to 20, knows all her colors and shapes.  She has quite a vocabulary too!  This morning she told Jason that, "mommy antagonizes me"!!

Kennedi is always shy when we enter a room. She is not quick to be social, even with the people she knows and loves. She can throw a tantrum with the best of them, she gives the BEST hugs and kisses ever, and wrestles with her brothers like none other. She loves tea party, Dora, "pink lips", and purses, but is beginning not to want to wear dresses. She can hit the t-ball almost as far as Carson can, and you can't play basketball without her joining in. I just love watching my baby turn into a little girl...but wish it wouldn't happen so fast!

Happy Birthday Kennedi Brooke! We love you so much!!

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