These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve

What a year 2010 was!  We had a new addition to our family - Cade Bradley, survived the poor economic times, watched our oldest child start kindergarten, and witnessed our daughter turn into a beautiful, sassy, little girl!!  Yesterday, our good friends Trae and Bethany, along with their kids, Bekah and Avery, came to ring in the new year with us.  We made a big dinner, then played (aka wrestled with the kids) for awhile, then broke out the wii for some family fun!  After the kids crashed, the 4 of us tried our hands at the Kinect that Jason got for Christmas!  We all crashed shortly after midnight, but I think it is safe to say we all had a great time!!


Bekah and Jason


Bekah and Carson



Mommy and Kennedi

Carson and Bethany playing the Wii

Trae boxing on Kinect

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