These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Monday, August 30, 2010

We Survived

So, we made it through the first week of school!  Everyone did great!  Here is a little update:

Carson - loved his teacher, Ms. Barr.  No incidences, no problems finding his teacher when Jason dropped him off.  Loved riding the bus to Country Home after school.  EXHAUSTED!!  When I picked Carson up from school on the first day, I brought him to my office for the rest of the day.  He laid on my office floor with a blanket and pillow and napped almost 2 hours!!  He really seems to be enjoying his new classmates and we even had a little homework this weekend.  Overall a great first week of kindergarten!!

Kennedi - had a great first week in her new "big girl" class!  She loves her teacher, Ms. Valerie and looks forward to school everyday.  Kennedi wore panties all week and only had 2 accidents all week at school!  I'm going to knock on wood, but she has got this potty trainging thing down!!

Cade - probably had the roughest week of the three.  The first 2 days at daycare he struggled to find a naptime routine, thus ended up cranky and tired.  By day 3, I figured out how to get him in the routine that his class is adjusting to.  On day 4 he was back to being our happy baby!  On day 5, Cade had tubes place in his ears:(.  He actually did a really good job, despite not getting to have breakfast (bottle) until after the surgery (11:00am).  That afternoon, he got some good rest and this weekend he was back to himself!

Carson napping after a long 1st day of kindergarten

Jason trying to distract Cade before his procedure

Always smiling, even before surgery!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day!

Today was a big day in the Diamond household! 

First we dropped Carson off at Kindergarten.  He was so excited!  He had his little backpack, his lunchbox, and his homework (yes, we already had homework)!!  I know he is going to do so well, just wish he wasn't growing up so fast.  We are so excited for him and this new phase of his life, but I would lie if I didn't say I am traumatized by the fact my baby is in school!!

Then, we took Kennedi to her new class at Country Home.  She is now in the 2G class and her teacher is Ms. Valerie.  She is not growing any slower than Carson.  This will be the second week in a row we sent her to school in big girl panties!!

Finally, we dropped Cade off at Country Home for the first time.  Wow, you don't realize how fast time flies until you drop your baby off at the nursery for the first time.  He is such a happy baby and I know he will be just fine, but it sure is hard to let go...

Now, it is 8:30 am and Jason and I came home to have a cup of coffee, dry our tears, and get ready for this new chapter in our lives.  We love these babies sooo much!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Avery's Birthday Party - Waco Zoo

Today was sweet, little Avery's 2nd birthday party at the Waco Zoo!  The kids had a ball going through the zoo, checking things out and seeing all the animals!  After we saw most everything, we sang Happy Birthday to Avery and shared cake and ice cream.  Then, we went to lunch with our good friends, Trae, Bethany, Cole, Mandy, and more of the Sutton family.  Like always, it is great to keep up and visit with lifelong friends!

Kennedi was all smiles!

Carson and Bekah - uh,oh!

The whole gang!

Storytime Live

Friday night Jason and I took Carson and Kennedi to see Storytime Live at the Majestic Theatre!  We saw outstanding performances of Ne-Hi Kai Lan, Wonder Pets, Backyardigans, and Dora the Explorer!  Unfortunately, Cade stayed home with a babysitter because the show was almost 2 hours long and we just weren't sure if he could make it.  However, Carson and Kennedi had a blast!  They sat on the edge of their seats the entire show.  No photography was allowed in the theater, so I have no pictures to share, but trust me when I say, it was a night to remember!

Last Day of Daycare

Friday was Carson's last full day at Country Home.  He has been going there since he was 16 months old!  He had such a great experience at Country Home and has learned so much.  They have done an outstanding job preparing Carson for kindergarten!  The kids preformed a song and dance about the solar system and Carson was the sun.  They were so cute!  They did several other songs, danced, and concluded with a preschool graduation.  Yes, I cried.  I am so excited for Carson's new adventure to kindergarten, but so sad that he is growing up so fast!

Meet the Teacher Night

Thursday we had our very first Meet-The-Teacher-Night!  Carson is so excited to have Ms. Barr for his kindergarten teacher.  We found his room, labeled his school supplies, put everything where it went and met some of Carson's new classmates!  We are looking forward to a great year.  Carson is more than ready, however, I can't say the same for myself!

Carson and I labeling his school supplies

Carson showing off his new cubby!

Can't believe my baby is a kindergartener...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Lexi

Saturday was cousin Lexi's 10th birthday party!  They had a fun swimming party complete lots of pool time, pizza, great friends and family!  Happy Birthday Lexi!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ellen Cartwright Photography

Ms. Ellen is so dear to our family!  She kept Carson in her home from the time he was 10 weeks until he was 16 months.  She kept Kennedi for her first 13 months of life, and fortunatly we have been so blessed to have her keep Cade thus far.  She treats our kids like her own, holds them when they don't feel well, gives them her undivided attention, and loves on them unconditionally.  Ms. Ellen is also an emerging photographer!  Here are some pictures she took of Cade at 6 months as well as some pics of all three at the McNay Art Institute.  If you need pictures of your kids or want some family portraits done, you should call her! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Swimming Lessons

This year Kennedi took swim lessons for the first time!  She took them form San Antonio Swim Academy every Tuesday at 7:00 pm for 10 weeks.  It was the beginner class (Exploration class) and so I had to get in the pool with her.  Over the summer I really got to look forward to Tuesday evenings.  That was our special time together!  Kennedi progressed really well.  She learned to blow bubbles, hold her breath, kick, move her arms, and she even jumps in the pool independently.  We have a little fish on our hands!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sea World for the Big Kids!

So, I wanted to do something really special with Carson before he starts kindergarten in 3 weeks.  We have season passes to Sea World and go often, but we never really get to do everything because we usually have little sister with us.  Carson is tall enough this year to ride all the rides, so I thought it would be fun to go and do "big kid" things!  We had a blast!  Cousin Lexi and Aunt Cassie went with us.  We rode the log ride (Texas Splashdown), the raft ride (Rio Loco), the big "boat" (Journey to Atlantis), and Carson and Lexi rode the Shamu roller coaster all by themselves!  We went to the water park, saw the dolphins, and penguins.  I was a really fun day for Carson to do things he doesn't usually get to do at Sea World.  And... it was a great day for me not to have to carry a diaper bag and push a stroller!

Carson, ready to go!

I was able to get a pic of them on the Shamu roller coaster!

Enjoying a little lunch!

Me and my baby!  What a fun day!

Aunt Cassie and Cousin Lexi

Lexi and Carson!