These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Funny Cade Pictures!

Cade cracks us up every day!  These pictures were just too funny not to share!  He is not going to be happy about this one day....but oh, how funny he is now!!

So proud of himself!!!...and not without his cap!

Tired baby - fell asleep at the table!

Happy Birthday Kennedi!

My sweet little Kenna!  Happy 4th Birthday baby girl!  Kennedi brings so much energy to our home, to say the least.  She is turning into such a beautiful little girl that we all love so much!  My life would definitely not be complete without Kennedi Brooke.  Although she is the only little girl in the house, she is a far cry from dresses and dolls.  Kenna loves to play with her brothers more than anything in the world.  I wanted her to take dance so bad but instead she wanted to play TOT basketball.  She would rather be riding her bike than anything, and she is so excited that we signed her up for soccer this spring!  Having said that, Kennedi insisted that her room be painted pink and she enjoys playing "make-ups" with me in the mornings.  Kennedi is smart too, just like her brother.  She has known all her letters and their sounds for some time now.  She counts to 20 easily and is even starting to sound out words.  She will be so happy when she can go to kindergarten and ride the bus with Carson!  I love you KK!  Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Monday, January 30, 2012


This week Cade and Kennedi had hat days at school!  Also, Carson had a project to decorate a hat with 100 things for his 100th day of school.  Carson and I decorated his cap with 100 mini candy bars!  It was heavy, but a hit at his school!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Harlem Globe Trotters

Kennedi got to perform at the pregame show for the Harlem Globe Trotters!  Her TOT group went center stage at the AT&T center and did great!  I am so proud of this little girl that has come so far!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Flag Football

Carson finally talked us into letting him try football.  We signed him up for a flag football league put on by i9 sports.  It is an instructional format and the coaches are awesome!  They practice for about 45 minutes on Sunday afternoons and then play a game for about 45 minutes immediately following.  It is great because the kids are able to actually practice what they learn, thus retaining the information better.  It is also great because there are no middle of the week practices.  We are at the field for an hour and a half on Sunday afternoons and that is it!  (Great for working parents!)  Carson loves it and is really pretty good.  Most of all I am happy that he is active and doing something he enjoys!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

TOT Performance

Kennedi participates in a program at her school called TOT basketball.  TOT stands for Teams of Tomorrow.  It is an outstanding program that teaches 3,4, and 5 year olds basic fundamentals of basketball.  She goes for 30 minutes every week and LOVES it!  I have never seen a child so excited for Thursday to come!  She gets her TOT shirt out and looks forward to the fun she will have while learning basketball skills!  This morning her group did a performance at a local high school basketball game.  She was so excited and did GREAT!  TOT basketball has really helped Kennedi develop her self confidence.  We were so proud of her today!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Birthday Party!

It was double the fun at the double birthday party!  Kennedi will turn 4 on the 31st and Cade turned 2 on the 7th.  We celebrated on Saturday with lots of friends and family.  We did a sports theme because both kids LOVE basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, etc.  We got a bouncy house and everyone had a great time playing!  I can't believe my babies are growing so fast!

Monday, January 9, 2012


All 3 of the kids got bikes for Christmas.  They are all doing so well!  Carson took off last week, riding his bike with no training wheels!  We finally have a place for him to practice and he has caught on really quickly!  I am so proud of my little boy that is growing up so fast.  Kennedi rides her Barbie bike all over.  Even though it has training wheels, she will probably be close behind Carson in riding on her own.  Cade got a new trike.  Poor Cade has always had bikes, but never one of his own.  He has always riden on one that the other 2 has outgrown.  Cade began pedaling on his own a few months ago, and rides really well for being as young as he is.  I look forward to the day when we can go bike riding as a family!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Cade!

My baby turned 2!  I just can't believe how fast time has gone by!  Cade is such a big boy and brings so much joy to our lives.  He is always so happy.  Cade talks so well and loves playing with his brother and sister.  He LOVES balls and sports.  I always say that Cade is going to be my athlete!  He is just as smart as the others too, though.  He follows directions really well and is the only one that puts his clothes in the the hamper after bath!  We are having a party next weekend to celebrate his and Kennedi's birthdays, but Saturday we wanted to do something special just for Cade.  We went down to Brackenridge park and rode the train and then Nana and Papa came to visit.  We had some cake and sang Happy Birthday!  We love you so much Cade Bradley!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Having an anniversary is a great way to start a new year!  This year, Jason and I celebrated 10 years!  Wow, where has time gone?  I remember the wedding like yesterday.  It was such a beautiful day.  We had so many friends and family join us.  We had an amazing reception complete with dinner and dance.  It was the first day of our lives together.  3 kids later and 3 houses later, today we find ourselves just as happy as we were 10 years ago, if not happier!  Carson, Kennedi, and Cade complete us.  We have great jobs that afford us a beautiful life.  We work hard to keep up with life's busy demands, but we couldn't do it without each other.  We truly are a TEAM in every sense of the word.  I love you Jason and look forward to the next 10 years...and more!