These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Generally, our kids are very healthy.  They are all in the 100th percentile in height and weight.  They have all met or exceeded all of their developmental milestones.  However, this winter has been tough for all of us. 

Poor baby Cade has had several bouts with asthma and strep throat.  It seems like he hasn't really been his happy self for a few months now due to one thing or another.  In January he was hospitalized for asthma.  At that time we were told to do steroid nebulizer treatments twice a day routinely for preventative maintenance and albuterol treatments as needed for flare-ups.  He was doing okay, but not really back to 100%.  The first week in February he was a little cranky and I could tell not feeling well, so I took him back to the pediatrician.  This time the doctor referred us to a pediatric pulmonologist.  We went to see Dr. Smith and loved him!  Dr. Smith took the time to explain asthma in detail.  He suggested that I try a steroid inhaler instead of nebulizer treatment twice a day.  He said that the inhaler would provide better distribution of the medication to his lungs.  He even showed me some techniques to get Cade to do it without it being a traumatic event every time.  Dr. Smith also explained that in some kids you don't see marked improvement until the child has been on the steroid for 4 weeks.  He told us that Cade has viral-induced asthma and will probably need the steroid inhaler twice daily during the times of year that viruses are abundant.  Well, we have been doing just as we were told and it is AMAZING the improvement!  Cade is breathing better than he ever has and we haven't had to use the albuterol for a flare-up in over 2 weeks!  I am so happy that we finally got an answer!  Now if those molars would come on through, Cade will be back to his happy, smiley self!

Carson has had a runny nose pretty much his whole life.  The pediatrician has prescribed 4-5 different antihistamines, but nothing has ever really made a huge difference.  This year with Carson being in kindergarten, it has been especially difficult.  Kids can be mean.  I decided it was time to see an allergist and get some answers.  Our pediatrician referred us to Dr. Dilley and once again we had a GREAT experience.  They did allergy testing on Carson and found that he really isn't allergic to much at all.  Therefor, he doesn't even have allergic rhinitis (runny nose due to allergies).  Well, this would explain why all the medicines didn't work - we weren't even treating the right thing!  Dr. Dilley explained that Carson has vasomotor rhinitis, which is basically a problem with the blood flow in the nose and sinuses that causes a runny nose.  He prescribed 2 nasal sprays and asked us to get an x-ray of his nose to make sure there is not another anatomical reason to be concerned.  WOW!  The sprays worked!  Carson hasn't had a runny nose in over a week!  Once again I am so incredibly happy to finally have an answer.  I also took Carson to have his nose x-rayed.  Although there is nothing anatomically wrong, the doctor did say that he had a sinus infection, so we are currently on antibiotics for 2 weeks.  AND, today Carson is home with the stomach bug.  Hopefully he is on the upward swing though and will be back to himself in no time...with no runny nose!!

Kennedi has been my healthy child.  She doesn't have tubes in her ears like the boys.  She did have a few ear infections as a baby, but nothing like the other two.  In fact, Kennedi did not have to go to the doctor one time between her 2 year physical and her 3 year physical.  However, when I took her to her 3 year physical the first week in February, the pediatrician heard a slight heart murmur.  She referred us to a pediatric cardiologist named Dr. Phillips.  For the third time in a few weeks, I was very pleased with the specialist that we saw.  The Dr. did an ECHO and EKG.  He determined that her heart was completely normal and no problems whatsoever.  He said that her heart murmur was innocent and we did not need to make note of it at any time on medical records.  She does not even have to follow up with Dr. Phillips ever again!

So, in the span of 3 weeks we have seen a pulmonologist, allergist, and cardiologist for 3 different kids.  Overall I am extremely happy with the results!  The kids seem to be feeling better every day!  Now if we can just make it through the winter without any other major bugs I will be happy!  Bring on the sunshine and wash away those bugs! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day parties

Wow - when you have 3 little Valentines there are soooo many cards to fill out, cookies to decorate, etc! Cade and Kennedi celebrated Valentines on Friday the 11th at Country Home. They each took Valentine's to their classmates and cookies to share. Carson had his Valentine's party at kindergarten on Monday the 14th. I got to join Carson at his party. Everyone had a great time!


Carson is on his first basketball team!  He is playing for Texas Team Sports on the Tarhills!  He has a great coach and seems to be learning a lot.  Although, I have to admit it is a little stressful for me.  The competitiveness in me is coming out!  I just want to jump out there and tell him what to do so bad!  I am trying to refrain and remind myself that he is 5 and just there to have fun and learn.  GO TARHILLS!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow in SA!

Yesterday was a rare snow day here in San Antonio!  I think the news said we got 0.4", but the kids were so excited that school was cancelled and we had SNOW!!  It was their first time to see snow. It wasn't enough for a snowman and wouldn't stick together for snowballs, but never-the-less, it was SNOW!  It melted by noon, but here are a few pictures from yesterday morning...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Kennedi!

On Monday our sweet, sassy, smart, beautiful baby girl turned 3!  She was so cute!  We had her party last weekend, so she was a little confused that Monday was her real birthday.  When she woke up and we gave her birthday hugs, she asked, "it's my birthday again?"  I explained that we already had her party, but today was her real birthday.   Still a little confused, she asked, "so, am I 4 now?"  No, Kennedi, you are 3...don't rush it!!

Kennedi is definitely the child that keeps us on our toes.  Being a middle child, I think she sometimes struggles with wanting to do all the things Carson does, and getting a lot of attention like Cade does.  However, she is our only I try to play that up everytime I get the chance.  Often, I take her shopping--just the girls, or we go to a shower, or something that are "girls only".  I can't wait for the day day when we go to get pedicures together, followed by lunch and an afternoon of shopping! 

Kennedi is just as smart as her brother, in fact, may be a little ahead of where he was at this stage, only because she learns so much from him.  She not only says her ABC's, but recognizes all her letters, and knows all their sounds.  She counts to 20, knows all her colors and shapes.  She has quite a vocabulary too!  This morning she told Jason that, "mommy antagonizes me"!!

Kennedi is always shy when we enter a room. She is not quick to be social, even with the people she knows and loves. She can throw a tantrum with the best of them, she gives the BEST hugs and kisses ever, and wrestles with her brothers like none other. She loves tea party, Dora, "pink lips", and purses, but is beginning not to want to wear dresses. She can hit the t-ball almost as far as Carson can, and you can't play basketball without her joining in. I just love watching my baby turn into a little girl...but wish it wouldn't happen so fast!

Happy Birthday Kennedi Brooke! We love you so much!!

100 days of school

Tomorrow is the 100th day of school!  Carson's class, like most other kindergarten classes, were asked to make a 100 day project.  They were to gather 100 small objects and display them in a creative way.  It ended up being a family project at our house...and turned out really cute!