These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Day of School

Here we go again!  Monday was the first day of school for everyone in our house.  Carson started 2nd grade.  What?  I know, I can't believe it either!  He got Mrs. Brammell this year.  Mrs. Brammell had a baby this summer so won't be in until October or November.  His sub is Mrs. Mamalakis and she seems great!  Kennedi started in the purple room with Ms. Jessica and Ms. Tessa.  This will be her last year before kindergarten.  I look forward to watching her blossom as she prepares for school!  Cade had his first day in the yellow room with Ms. Barbara, Ms. Elizabeth, and Ms. Katherine.  His best friend, Cade Metzger, is in his class so all is good!  We are all looking forward to another great year!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Natural Bridge Caverns

On Thursday, Jason took off work so that we could spend some family time together before school starts.  We decided to take the kids to Natural Bridge Caverns.  It is not far from our house and thought it would be a fun outing for everyone.  It was pretty neat, but Kennedi and Cade might have been a little young.  They were a little fussy, but probably due to our busy day the day before and just being tired.  Carson really enjoyed the cave.  Overall it was fun, and something we should do again when everyone is a little older!

First Scrimmage

Carson had his first real football scrimmage.  The freshman white team played against the freshmen blue team.  It was a learning experience for everyone.  The boys did really well, but the hits were hard and the comeptition was fierce.  Unfortunately, a little boy on Carson's team broke his wrist and is out for the season.  Carson played offensive tackle and did a pretty good job.  There is lots of room for improvement, but learning and having fun is what it is all about!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It was time for our dental check-up before school got back in full swing.  I took all 3 by myself, and had to admit I was a little nervous about handling it.  They all did great!  It was Cade's first time and he was a little shy, but he was awesome and did a great job letting the dentist count his teeth and clean them.  We had no cavities at all.  I was one happy mamma!!

A Day Off With The Kiddos

A big vacation just didn't happen this year.  We got to go to the beach for a few days, but with football, work, and just busy lives, we didn't get to do anything really big.  I was beginning to feel bad that I didn't get to spend much time with the kids this summer.  So, I  took 3 days off of work the week before school began and combined that with the weekend for 5 days with  my precious kiddos.  The first day Jason had to work so it was just the four of us.  We started at the dentist, had lunch at momaks, rode the train at Brackenridge Park, visited the Witte Museum and Heritage Center, and made it home in time to get ready for Carson's first football scrimmage.  I would say that we were all worn out that night!  But, we had a great time and I wouldn't have traded it.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My First 5K

I have always been an athlete, but never a runner.  However as I have aged, I have found that running is a great way to stay in shape and sometimes it even allows your mind a chance to decompress before or after a long workday.   I started running around the beginning of the year.  Not really consistently, but 2-3 days a week, anywhere from 1.5-3 miles at a time.  Finally, I decided that it was time to run a 5K.  My co-worker, Rich, and his fiance Carol, ran it with me.  It was at Lackland Air Force Base and called the Air Base Boogie.  It was hard, but afterwards I felt amazing!  I felt like I accomplished something. There were 1900 runners.  Several of the "flights" of airmen ran them together.  I found myself distracted with their chants and trying to stay with their pack.  It was a great, great experience!  I ran my first 5K in 29:10.  Crazy enough, I ended up with a 3rd place trophy in the women's division, age 30-34!  I don't know if I will ever run one again, but at least now I can say, "I did it"!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Avery

Avery Sutton turns 4!  What fun we had celebrating at the Whistle Stop Park in Temple.  We even got to ride a real Amtrak train!  The kids had a ball and we got to visit with our great friends Trae and Bethany.