These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Skills Camp

Carson attended a skills camp put on by SFS and Tim Ohlbrecht, a professional basketball player in Germany.   Carson is always looking  to get better at basketball.  He even won a shoe signed by Tim!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Frio River 2017

This weekend we headed to the Frio River with 7 other families.  We rented a great cabin with rooms for each family. There were kids of all ages!  We swam, ate great food, played games, floated the river, enjoyed smores, and so much more! We had a blast with friends that we don't hang out with very often.  I love getting to know people.  It was a perfect long weekend...just what I needed with the entire family!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Football Gear

Yikes!  It's only the beginning, but today Cade got his football gear.  Here we go!  Conditioning starts next week...

Monday, July 17, 2017

SFS China Trip 2017

The past 12 days will be etched in our minds and hearts for the rest of our lives.  I can't even begin to describe the amazing experience that Carson and I embarked on with the SFS family as we traveled around the world - literally.  The words I write will undoubtedly do little justice to the travel experiences, amazing sites, camaraderie with teammates and families, and life lessons we learned over the last 2 weeks.  I will do my best to capture this remarkable adventure and share pictures of our daily activities.  Unfortunately, the awe and love behind the pictures and stories will be difficult to express.

The thought of a trip to China with the SFS 13U Basketball team began over a year ago.  After months of planning and preparing, the dream became a reality on July 4, 2017.  DJ, Carson's coach, had a vision to take 11 kids around the world, to expose them to a new culture, and allow them to play basketball with an entirely new perspective.  I have to admit, that I had no idea what we were getting into.  It seemed surreal for many months.  But, as the day neared, we opened our minds to the new things we would see and experience.  I was scared, excited, nervous, anxious, and happy all at the same time.  I was nervous about not traveling with Jason.  I was anxious about the unknown.  I was worried about my 2 little ones I left behind.  I was thankful for the help from my mother and mother-in-law while I was gone. I was excited about the adventure.  I prayed daily for Carson and I to have this opportunity to bond and share experiences only he and I will know.  I prayed daily that Kennedi and Cade would know how much I love them and that we, too, will have an opportunity one day to share special memories.  I prayed for safe travels, healthy bodies, open minds and happy hearts.

At 7:30 on July 4, Carson and I began the first leg of our journey with a flight from San Antonio to Houston.  I kissed Jason, Kennedi, and Cade bye and wiped my tears away as we went through security and looked forward to the next 12 days.

Once in Houston, we met up with the rest of the team.  Our group was 33 in total.  All of us were super excited about the journey ahead.  At last we boarded the Air China plane at 1:00 a.m. and settled in for the 15 hour flight to Beijing.  We tried to sleep, watched movies and got our first taste of Chinese airplane food.

Finally, we landed in Beijing!  We were all so tired, but so happy to be there!  We had a 4 hour layover before our flight over to Shanghai.  We made our first purchase with Chinese yuan - bottled water and a muffin at Starbucks.  We brushed our teeth and called home to let Jason and the littles know we made it safely.  Once on the flight to Shanghai, we tried to sleep some more.  Again, we were served a hot meal.  We de-boarded the plane on the tarmac in Shanghai (not sure why?) and took a shuttle bus over to the baggage claim area.  It was so HOT!

After we got our luggage, we got on the tour bus and met our first tour guide, Michael.  He was awesome!  He immediately began sharing great information about Shanghai.  By this time, it was early afternoon.  We checked into the hotel, showered, and rested a few hours before our welcome dinner at 6:00 p.m.  The food was good.  There were round tables that sat 10 people at each.  In the middle there was a lazy susan turntable where the food was placed.  Everyone helped themselves and served themselves from the food in the center of the table.

I think all of us had trouble sleeping the first night. The 13 hour time difference began to take its toll. The Holiday Inn - Downtown Shanghai was really nice though.  The room was pretty small, but the accommodations were great.  Carson and I each had twin bed, which is similar to a full size bed in the states.  My feet and ankles were swollen and I had a headache.  But, I knew those things would pass quickly.  Carson was a happy camper and enjoying every minute with his teammates!

Day 2:
What an amazing day!

We started this day with a breakfast buffet in the hotel.  There were lots of good choices, including some western items like french toast, bacon, and sausage.  I think Carson ate 3 platefuls!!

At 7:00 we boarded the bus and headed to Nantong.  I was about a 2 hour drive.  Our first stop was the Nantong Museaum.  It must have been big for this city that we were there.  Government leaders met and welcomed us.  We had people following us with cameras and there were several guides/translators with us at all times.

Next, we went to the Chinese Abacus museum.  It was pretty neat!  They did a presentation where 4 young children showed off their mad math skills.  Very impressive!

We had a buffet lunch at  Holiday Inn and interacted with a few of the government leaders of Nantong.  After that, we headed to the gym.  It was packed!  So many people!  News cameras, videoing, and government officials were all around.  Carson and 3 of his teammates were interviewed by the Chinese press!  I still really don't know what they said, but it was fun to watch. 
Before the game started, a government leader gave a speech about the friendly basketball match and welcoming us to their city.  They boys lined up and exchanged gifts.  Our boys gave them red SFS t-shirts and they gave our boys a double stuffed fish - meaning wealth and prosperity.
The other team was really big.  Most of their kids were much bigger than ours.  They said they were middle school, but I'm not positive of their ages.  The game was 4, 10 minute quarters, stopping clock.  It took 2 hours!  We did well considering our jet lag and size difference but came up short 78-69.  Carson played great!  He had 4 points and some great rebounds.  The overall experience was amazing!  It is definitely not one I  will forget and I don't think Carson will either.
After the game we drove 2 hours back to Shanghai for dinner.  We finally made it back to the room around 9:00 p.m.  The boys hung out a little and the moms chatted over a glass of whine.  Long, long day - but one to remember forever!

Day 3:
I started the day with great news!  Kennedi made the 11U club volleyball team!  I am so, so proud of her!  Kennedi never ceases to amaze me. She can do anything she puts her mind to.

After the buffet breakfast this morning we took the bus to the Bund.  It was a very pretty place on the water, overlooking some beautiful buildings and great photo opportunities.



Then, we headed to the Shanhai World Financial Center, also known as the "Bottle Opener".  In this building we went up to the 100th floor for AMAZING views!  We took lots of pictures and marveled at the city below us.

We also toured the Silk Factory.  We got to see how they made silk blankets, comforters, and more.  The boys enjoyed a short presentation on silk worms, how they grow, and how they are used.  We had an opportunity to shop and look around the store at all the beautiful silk items.  I bought a silk pillow for Kennedi that unzips into a silk blanket - a quillo!  I hope she likes it.

Then, we had a Chinese lunch.   I encouraged Carson to try some different things.  He seems to like duck - who knew?  After lunch we went to a market in China Town.  It was very crowded and extremely hot.  We had 1 hour to walk around and shop, which seemed to go by very quickly.  Carson and I bought a few things, or should I say bartered for a few things.  Basically, you can get any price down to what you want to pay if you negotiate well! I think almost everyone bought a fidget spinner :)


When we got back to the hotel, we walked over to McDonalds for some chicken nuggets and fries.  It was time! 

After a quick power nap and a run through the shower, we boarded the bus again and went to an acrobatic show.  It was really good, but we were all so exhausted.  I have to admit that I dosed off a time or two.  Finally, we made it back to the room around 9:30 p.m. and CRASHED hard!  Another long, long day, never to forget!

Day 4: 
Today started off really sad.  My poor Major when to puppy heaven.  I loved that pug.  He was my baby before I had babies.  He lived 15 and 1/2 years.  RIP Major - I love you!

After breakfast this morning, we boarded the bus to Suzhou.  Our first stop was the Lingering garden.  It was a very pretty garden where we got a ton of photo opportunities.

Then, we went to lunch, probably my favorite lunch so far.  I'm not sure if I am just getting used to the food or I was just hungry.  Ha!

After lunch we went on a boat cruise on the Grand Canal.  The Grand Canal ranks alongside the Great Wall of China as the country's greatest engineering achievement and it is the longest man-made waterway in the world.

Once back at the hotel I did a little laundry in the sink before dinner with the Shumways.  It was Jack's 12th birthday!  We celebrated with hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizza.  The boys were in heaven!  The moms celebrated with a cold beer :)


In the evening we went on a night cruise to see the lights of downtown Shanhai.  It was really beautiful!  However, the best part was the paparazzi!  People flocked to the boys and asked for pictures with them - especially Bryson because he looked different and Carson and Ethan with their light skin and hair.  Carson blushed as he took pictures with the girls over and over.  They were celebrities!  Tawney, Shea, and I were asked to take some pictures too.  I gues they don't see tall women very often.  It was a lot of fun!

Day 5:
Happy Birthday in China to Dad, Jennifer, and Kristy!  We can't wait to share all of our stories from China!

Today we went to Hangzhou.  We boarded a G-Train (Bullet Train) and rode 1 hour from Shanghai to Hangzhou.  It was yet another fun and new experience. The train runs at about 300 km/hr.  Inside the train it was very spacious and comfortable.

Once in Hangzhou our tour guide took us to West Lake where we did a short boat cruise.   West Lake is a freshwater lake divided into five sections by three causeways.  There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens, and artificial islands within the lake.  West Lake has influenced poets and painters throughout China's history for its natural beauty and historic relics.  It has also been among the most important sources of inspiration for Chinese garden designers.  Our tour guide told us lots of stories!

After the boat tour, we walked through General Yue Fei's Temple and Tomb and learned more about the Chinese culture. 

After lunch, we visited the Lingyin Temple.  It was raining, but we put our ponchos on and walked around the beautiful park.  It is a celebrated Chan (Zen) Buddhist temple founded in 326AD.  Despite being destroyed and rebuilt 16 times over, it remains one of Hangzhou's main attractions.  The current structure dates from the late Qing dynasty.  It's highlights are the Great Hall with its 65 foot camphor-wood statue of the Buddha and the Feilai Peak opposite the temple.  Opposite the Lingyin Temple, 209 meters high, is a hill covered with inscriptions and relief's carved into the rock dating from the 10th to 14th centuries.

Finally, we rode on the Bullet Train back to Shanghai.  Once back we did some shopping near the hotel, then finished the evening with pizza and wine in the hotel while the boys played pool!

The shopping has been interesting to say the least.  The merchants are very aggressive, trying to get you to buy their items.  You can negotiate down really as far as you want to.  All of the boys bought Yeezies - which are very expensive shoes in the states ($200-$300).  We got them for 180 yuan which is less than $30!  Carson and I also bought silk pajamas, a Chinese chess set, a silk robe, and another fidget spinner. 

Lord, thank you so much for watching over us as we make lifetime memories.  Thank you for Jennifer and mom and their willingness to watch over Jason and the kids while we are away.  Please keep  us all safe and remind us each day of your unending love.  Amen.

Day 6:
Today was a travel day.  After breakfast we boarded the high speed G Train for a 6+ hour journey from Shanghai to Beijing.  I had the pleasure of sitting next to Mrs. Pearl on the ride.  She is such a sweet woman, so full of knowledge and insight.  She ad lots of stories to tell.  And, I shared stories and pictures of Kennedi, Cade, and Jason.  It was a long trip, but I loved the time I got to spend with Pearl!  Along the way we saw much of the countryside.  We saw poor rural areas, beautiful mountains, and passed through several cities.

Once in Beijing we met our new tour guide, Tracy.  She was young, energetic, and so excited to show us around Beijing.  We made our way to the Penta Hotel - very different from the Holiday Inn, but also very nice.  The rooms were much bigger and the décor was more modern.

We finished our long day of travel with a bowl of noodles in the restaurant downstairs....and I found a diet coke.  Hallelujah!

Day 7:
Today was definitely one of the highlights of the trip.  It was extremely hot - but very memorable!First, we went to Tiananmen Square - the largest city square in the world and the spiritual heart of China.  We braved the heat, took tons of pictures and bought silly umbrella hats for the boys!

Then, we entered the Forbidden City.  It is located in the center of Beijing and used to be the Imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties with a history of around 600 years.  It is the grandest integral palace complex still remaining in China.  It was SO HOT, but SO COOL!!

After lunch we went to the Temple of Heaven. This is the place which was visited yearly by the emperors.  There, they performed rituals to ensure a good harvest for the whole nation.  It was absolutely Beautiful!  We climbed to the top and got some amazing photos.

Then, we walked through the park and did a short Taichi class.  Taichi is a slow, methodical movement to help you relax -sort of like yoga?

It was a really long day with a TON of walking.  We are soaked in sweat and ready fore a shower and bed.  Tomorrow will be another great day!

Day 8:
Today was by far my favorite day of the entire trip.  We got to visit the magnificent Great Wall (Mutianyu Section)!

Before we got to the Great Wall though, we stopped at the Jade Gallery.  We got to see how the jade is carved and polished.  They had some beautiful pieces.  And, we got to do some shopping!

At the Great Wall we took a shuttle to the base of the hill.  Then, we walked uphill a waze to get on the cable car.  Again, it was smoldering hot, but the indescribable views were worth every second.  The cable car took us up to the Great Wall.

Oh, my!  What a site!  I can't even begin to describe the enormity of this amazing structure.  It truly is a remarkable wonder of the world.  Of course we took a million pictures.  We walked along the Great Wall and marveled at the experience of a lifetime.  It is really hard to put this day into words.  It was definitely one I will never forget or repeat in my lifetime.

Carson and I celebrated the day with Baskin Robins ice cream at the Great Wall!  We also saw some stones strapped to a donkey.  The donkey was taking the stones up to the Great Wall for!

There was not a thread of dryness on my body after today.  I was ready for a shower and a glass of wine when we got back to the hotel.

However, a few of the boys were losing focus so DJ called a team meeting with the players.  He talked to each of them about making good decisions, respecting parents, and practicing core values.  I love that DJ holds the kids accountable, regardless of parents presence.  It takes a village to raise children and I love that he is helping us groom these great boys into great men.  There is more to life than basketball and every day DJ instills ethics and values into the players.  I couldn't be more happy for Carson to be a part of this world class organization.

Tomorrow is game day, so time to get some rest!

Day 9:
Game Day! 

First we got to visit Summer Palace.  This was an imperial summer resort of the Qing Dynasty.  It is a beautiful place with gorgeous buildings and landscape.  We took a short boat ride across the lake before heading to our game.

Our game was at Tsinhua University (a high school).  Apparently the kids were 13 and 14 years old, but they were HUGE!  Despite the height difference, the boys played great!  Carson had one of his best games ever!  He scored 13 points, including three 3 pointers!

 After the game, we celebrated with a very nice dinner.  I can't remember the name of the restaurant, but it was beautiful!  There was entertainment the entire dinner - lots of amazing costumes and dancing!

Day 10:
Today we played 2 games. 
We lost the first one, once again to some really big kids.  But, again, our boys played well.  Carson had 5 points in this game.

After the first game, we had a little time, so we stopped at a tea house and got to try some different teas.  They were so good!  And, we got to shop some too.

Finally, we got a W in the last game!  The boys played really well.  It was a great end to an amazing journey of international basketball competition!

Our farewell dinner was at a local Beijing Duck Restaurant.  Beijing Roast duck offers a relaxing atmosphere that highly complements the food it serves, and takes the famous Beijing roast duck to new levels of culinary delight. 

 Day 11:
After a little last minute shopping, a walk to Starbucks, and packing up the bags, it was time for us to head home.  Carson and I enjoyed an experience of a lifetime - one we will never forget.  As we boarded the plane for the 13 hour flight home, I said thanks for the amazing trip, prayed for safe travels, and looked forward to holding Kennedi and Cade in my arms again!