These Are The Days!

Time flies when you are having fun! I worry everyday that I will forget the precious moments that I share with my family, so I have decided that I need to do a better job capturing those memories. My sweet babies are growing so fast and I not only want to remember them as babies, but watch them grow into the amazing people they are!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

1st Day of School

Be still my heart.  I can't believe these babies of mine are headed to 6th grade, 3rd grade, and 1st grade.  I love them so much!  I pray that they have awesome school years and learn a lot.  I pray that they make good decisions and always keep Jesus close in their hearts.

Monday, August 22, 2016


Our family headed to Schlitterbahn for the first time on the day before school started.  We had a blast!  It wasn't very crowded, so we rode the water slides time and time again.  Great family fun and a last hoorah for the summer!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Church Camp

Carson went to his first overnight church camp this summer.  It was at Highland Lakes in Austin.  A great group of kids attended.  They had an amazing time and Carson recommitted his life to Christ!!  Super proud of this young man and the direction he is taking his life!  He came home exhausted but rejuvenated!