Cade will be eight months old tomorrow! I wanted to take a minute and jot down all the things he is doing, so I can always remember. Cade is sitting up independently, holding his own bottle, has 7 teeth (2 broke through today!), and LOVES TO SMILE! Cade is an extremely happy baby, especially when his brother and sister are playing with him. He takes 5 bottles a day (6 oz each), eats cereal for breakfast, a fruit and vegetable for lunch, and a meat (baby food) for dinner. I haven't introduced much table food yet, except for yogurt and a taste of ice cream, both of which he loved! Cade has been adjusting to daycare and doing better and better every day, however we are still working on his nap schedule. At daycare they take a 9am and 2pm nap. At home these naps are 1-2 hours each, but at school they are 30 min-1 hr due to other babies in the same room. He usually takes another little nap before dinner (about 30-45 minutes) and then he goes down for the night, about 7:45 pm - 6:45 am...sometimes longer! I love my Cade boy!!

Cade Bradley Diamond