What a fun day we had! Halloween is always crazy. I really kind of dread it. There is always so much to do in so little time. The kids are sugared up, tired, and cranky. Then, they stay up late and the next morning we all pay. This is how our day went, October 31, 2012. Jason and I both took off work because there was just so much to do. After we got Carson on the bus and headed to school, we got in the car to take Kennedi and Cade to their school. By 8:30 we were back at KRE to speak at Career Day. Jason and I had each volunteered (along with many others) to speak about our careers and encourage the children to work hard in school, so they too can have a great career one day. We each spoke to 5 classes, 30 minutes each. At 11:00 we finished. Jason and I ran home to straighten up a bit and change clothes. We then headed out to do a few errands that we needed to get done, but never have time. By 2:30 we were back in the pick-up line to get Carson from school. By 3:15 the three of us went to Rainbow Station for Kennedi and Cade's Halloween parties. Jason and I each went to a party and then switched in the middle so we each had some time with both kids. At 4:00 the 2 little ones participated in their Halloween parade at school. By 5:00 we were back home only to get a quick snack and regroup once again. At 6:30 we went next door for the annual neighborhood party. Shortly therafter, the Williams came over and we all went on the hayride around the neighborhood trick or treating! We finally came in the house around 9:30 and ALL of us were exhausted! The kids had a blast and we did too, but, honestly...I was happy to go back to work the next day!
Carson the Aggie football player
Cade the Angry bird
Kennedi the cheerleader
Cade and his best buddy Cade Metzger
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